Taggart is a Scottish detective television programme, created by Glenn Chandler, who has written many of the episodes, and made by STV Productions for the ITV network. The series revolves around a group of detectives initially in the Maryhill CID of Strathclyde Police, though various storylines have happened in other parts of the Greater Glasgow area, and as of the most recent series the team have operated out of the fictional John Street police station across the street from the City Chambers. It is one of the UK's longest-running dramas and is the longest-running police drama after the cancellation of The Bill.
A series of young blonde women are found strangled and left near water. Maryhill CID launch an investigation to find the person responsible for the murders. DCI Jim Taggart is asked to head up the investigation, alongside newly graduated sergeant Peter Livingstone. Despite their differences, they must uncover the killer's identity before he strikes again.
A famous opera singer is accused of murder when the body of her ex-husband's new girlfriend is found on the burnt out shell of his boat. DCI Taggart and DS Livingstone fall out when they come to different conclusions as to who is responsible for the murder. Livingstone suspects that DCI Taggart's judgment has been clouded by Eleanor's beauty.
DCI Taggart and DS Livingstone are called in to investigate the macabre killing of the wife of a wealthy landowner who is found strangled and weighed down with luggage in a reservoir. Her husband was last seen preparing to go to Switzerland with a large sum of money in a holdall. But is the case as open and shut as DCI Taggart suspects?
DCI Taggart and DS Livingstone investigate a failed rape attack by a masked attacker. The case becomes complicated when the victim commits suicide and the attacker strikes yet again, however begins to change his MO by murdering his latest victim. Despite having a new detective sergeant on board, Taggart struggles to identify the motive for murder.