Strike Witches is an anime series released as part of a mixed media project by Humikane Shimada, which also includes light novels and manga. Taking place in an alternate Earth in the 1940s, the series focuses on the 501st Joint Fighter Wing of Strike Witches, magically powered girls who fight against an alien race known as the Neuroi. An original video animation was produced by Gonzo and directed by Kunihisa Sugishima and released in Japan on January 1, 2007. The first season of the anime television series was directed by Kazuhiro Takamura and also produced by Gonzo and aired in between July 3, 2008 and September 18, 2008. The series was also streamed with English subtitles on YouTube, BOST TV and Crunchyroll. The uncensored DVDs were released September 26, 2008 and January 30, 2009. The series was licensed by Funimation Entertainment and was released in a complete box set in North America on March 30, 2010. The second season, titled Strike Witches 2 was produced by AIC and again directed by Takamura. It was broadcast in Japan between July 7, 2010 and September 23, 2010. It was also simulcast on Crunchyroll and Funimation's anime portal. This series was also licensed by Funimation and released on Blu-ray Disc and DVD in North America on October 2, 2012. A film adaptation was released on March 17, 2012. An original video animation series produced by Silver Link, Operation Victory Arrow, began release in September 2014.
Four pieces of theme music were used for the series. The opening theme for the first series is titled "Strike Witches: To Do What I Can" (ストライクウィッチーズ ~わたしにできること~ Sutoraiku Witchīzu ~Watashi ni Dekiru Koto~) and performed by Yoko Ishida, while the ending theme is "Bookmark Ahead" (ブックマーク ア・ヘッド Bukkumāku A Heddo), performed by members of the vocal cast. The second series' opening theme is "STRIKE WITCHES 2 - The Magic of Smile (STRIKE WITCHES 2 ~笑顔の魔法~ Sutoraiku Witchīzu Tsū ~Egao no Mahou~) performed by Ishida, while the ending theme is "Over Sky" which is performed by the vocal cast. For the OVA series, the opening theme is "Connect Link" performed once again by Ishida, while the ending theme is "Fly away" performed by the vocal cast.