Stitchers is an American science fiction crime drama series created by Jeffrey Alan Schechter. The series follows Kirsten (Emma Ishta), who has been recruited into a government agency to be "stitched" into the memories of people recently deceased to investigate murders and mysteries that otherwise would have gone unsolved. Cameron (Kyle Harris), a brilliant neuroscientist, assists Kirsten in the secret program headed by Maggie (Salli Richardson-Whitfield), a skilled covert operator. The program also includes Linus (Ritesh Rajan) a bioelectrical engineer and communications technician. Camille (Allison Scagliotti), Kirsten's roommate and a computer science graduate student, is also recruited to assist Kirsten as a "stitcher".
The series premiered on June 2, 2015, on ABC Family. On July 14, 2015, the series was renewed for a second season to air on Freeform. The second season premiered March 22, 2016. As of May 24, 2016[update], 21 episodes of Stitchers have aired, concluding the second season. In October 2016, the series' official Facebook page announced in a Facebook Live chat that the series was renewed for a third season.
The team investigates the apparent suicide of a young man (Jeremy Sumpter) who also may be responsible for the disappearance of a missing female college student. After first entering the young man's mind in a stitch, Kirsten is continually spooked by him. Camille has plans to throw the biggest Halloween party possible.