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List of Static Shock episodes

This article consists of a list of episodes of the animated series Static Shock.

Virgil Hawkins is a smart, funny teen who gets beaten up by gang leader Francis, who calls himself "F-Stop." The leader of another gang, Wade, protects Virgil sometimes, but says he can't be there all the time for Virgil. Wade asks Virgil to join his gang, but Virgil doesn't want to be part of a gang because a gang's gunfire killed his mother, Jean. Wade tells Virgil to show up at the docks. Virgil is afraid to say "no", so he shows up. When Virgil arrives at the docks, Wade's gang gives him a gun as F-Stop's gang shows up. A gang fight ensues. Virgil throws the gun in the river and hides as the police arrive. As soon as the police get there, they start shooting - hitting some gas canisters and causing gas to spread all over the docks. Virgil runs home and, the next day, discovers he can control and manipulate electricity and anything metallic. He goes over to Richie's, his best friend's, house, and they pick out a costume and a superhero name for Virgil - resulting in the birth of Static.

As a result of last episode's explosion, metahumans are everywhere and most of them are committing crimes. Virgil begins to fight crime as Static, and when F-Stop returns, now possessing the metahuman ability to control fire and renaming himself "Hotstreak", Virgil is ready to beat him once and for all.

Virgil also learns that Alva and the Mayor were responsible for the gas that caused the metahuman mutations, and tries to prove it by sneaking into Alva's office to find proof - but winds up fighting off an army of Alva's henchmen. Virgil ultimately defeats the henchmen and takes a disk that contains proof.

Later, as Static fights Hotstreak again, the disk with all of Alva's information on it gets destroyed. However, Static powers up and finally defeats Hotstreak.

Derek Barnett, one of the most popular jocks at school, asks Virgil for help for tutoring. After one of their sessions, he begins to head home, when it is revealed that he is a Bang Baby, and turns into a mass of ionic energy. He is picked up off the streets after accidentally blowing up things and running, terrified and confused, from citizens and the police. Later, Static is also picked up by the same person who picked up Derek (D-Struct), a Bang Baby with control over shadows named Ebon, who "collects" metahumans and wants Static to join his crew, along with a girl named Talon, who is now part bird, and a guy named Shiv, who can change his hands into weapons.

While analyzing a part of an amoeba mutated by the Big Bang, Virgil and Richie become locked in school late at night with the protesting journalism class, led by Frieda.

A metahuman named Adam Evans, Rubberband Man, attempts to get revenge on Ice Pack, a rapper who stole a song he wrote. Virgil gets a job at Burger Fool and loses it when he had to sneak out to take care of business as Static.

