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List of Star Wars filming locations

Multiple global locations were used between 1976 and 2003 for filming locations during the production of the first six Star Wars films to provide the setting for alien planets in the Star Wars Universe.

Most locations were used to shoot principal photography with actors; more recently as digital filmmaking has become more common, some prequel trilogy locations were shot with no actors present and digitally composited into the films to provide a backdrop of a story setting.

Listed below are locations used for filming of the following Star Wars films:

In addition to filming locations, a list of film studios is also included for reference.

Several Tatooine scenes:

Several Tatooine scenes:

Location used for the Great Pit of Carkoon scene
Additional footage for the special edition of A New Hope of stormtroopers finding evidence of droids was shot here and cut in with original shots from La Grande Dune, Tunisia

Behind-the-scenes documentaries:



