Soul Train is an American musical variety television program, which aired in syndication from 1971 until 2006. In its 35-year history, the show primarily featured performances by R&B, soul and hip hop artists, although funk, jazz, disco and gospel artists have also appeared. The series was created by Don Cornelius, who also served as its first host and executive producer.
This is a list of episodes that aired originally from October 2, 1971 to March 25, 2006. The dates shown are original air dates, but some dates are approximate because in the 1970s, most syndication markets did not get the episodes at the same time, so the dates shown are the first airings of the episodes. This is also a list for the Best of Soul Train reruns that aired from 2006 until the show's cancellation in September 2008. The dates shown are the first airings of the episodes.
The first theme song was the 1962 recording of "Hot Potatoes", performed by King Curtis; the song used for the bumpers was "Familiar Footsteps" by Gene Chandler.
Starting with episode 76, the show's theme was changed to "TSOP (The Sound of Philadelphia)", written by Gamble and Huff and performed by MFSB and the Three Degrees.
With the start of this season, Soul Train instituted a new theme: "Soul Train '75" by The Soul Train Gang.
Starting with the ninth episode, Soul Train has a new theme song: "Soul Train '76" by The Soul Train Gang.
Soul Train has a new theme this season, starting with episode 267: "Soul Train Theme '79" by The Hollywood Disco Jazz Band and The Waters.
Starting with episode 319, the theme changed to a prototype of "Up on Soul Train" by The Waters.
Soul Train institutes a new theme: "Up on Soul Train" by R&B group The Whispers.
For this season, Soul Train tapings were moved to the Charlie Chaplin Studios, after spending its first decade in Hollywood at Metromedia Square.