This is a list of major characters from the Japanese anime, manga and light novel series Slayers. The series of novels written by Hajime Kanzaka was serialized in Dragon Magazine, adapted into several manga titles, five televised anime series, two three-episode original video animations, and five anime films. Slayers follows the adventures of teenage sorceress Lina Inverse and her companions as they journey through their world. Using powerful magic and swordsmanship, they battle difficult overreaching wizards, demons seeking to destroy the world, dark lords, and the occasional hapless gang of bandits.
Lina Inverse (リナ・インバース Rina Inbāsu?) is the primary protagonist of the series and the central figure of the Slayers franchise. Although still a teenager, she is a powerful sorceress with a great love of money, treasure, and food. In the anime and manga, she is known to comically overuse immensely destructive spells.
Her specialty is black magic, a destructive magic that calls upon the power of a demon or monster. Her signature spell, the Dragon Slave, comes from the power of the Demon King Shabranigdo, while the Ragna Blade and her most powerful spell the Giga Slave call upon the Lord of Nightmares. During the series, Lina and the Slayers face down and defeat many powerful demons, including a fragment of Shabranigdo, Hellmaster Phibrizzo, and Darkstar.
Gourry has been Lina's constant companion since the opening of the series, and never leaves her for very long. Lina once risks the destruction of the world by casting the unpredictable Giga Slave in order to save Gourry's life. Although the two appear to be in love with each other, and even share a forgotten kiss at the end of Slayers NEXT, there is no romantic development between them.