Slam Dunk is an anime series adapted from the manga of the same title by Takehiko Inoue. The series tells the story of a teenager called Hanamichi Sakuragi who falls in love with a girl named Haruko Akagi, and decides to enter the Shohoku High School Basketball Team in order to attract her as she is already in love with another Shohoku player, Kaede Rukawa. As Sakuragi starts learning how to play basketball, he, however, starts to like the sport.
Produced by Toei Animation and directed by Nobutaka Nishinawa, the series aired on TV Asahi from October 16, 1993 to March 23, 1996. Toei compiled the episodes into a series of seventeen DVDs which were released in Japan from December 10, 2004 to May 21, 2005. Toei once again collected the series in three DVD boxes during 2008. All the three boxes have a total of seventeen discs.
Toei and Geneon briefly chose to release the anime on DVD after the manga was discontinued, though the anime was also discontinued after only a few volumes. The first DVD was released on March 15, 2005 and the volume 4 was the last one released on June 14, 2005 before they were cancelled. Various episodes from the series were also downloadable in IGN's Direct2Drive service. Toei is currently streaming episodes of the series on-line for a fee and for free through Crunchyroll. Joost also started airing all the 101 as of May 2009 on their website. Each episode is in Japanese, with English subtitles.
Six musical themes are used through all the series: two opening themes and the four ending themes. "Kimi ga Suki da to Sakebitai" (君が好きだと叫びたい, "I Want to Shout 'I Like You'") by Baad is used as the opening theme for the first 61 episodes. "Zettai ni, Daremo" (ぜったいに 誰も, "Definitely, Anyone") by ZYYG replaces it as opening theme for episodes 62-101. "Anata Dake Mitsumeteru" (あなただけ見つめてる, "I Only See You") by Maki Ohguro is used as the ending theme for the first 27 episodes. "Sekai ga Owaru Made wa..." (世界が終るまでは…, "Until the World Ends...") by Wands follows it as the ending for episodes 28-49. "Kirameku Toki ni Torawarete" (煌めく瞬間に捕われて, "Captured in This Magical Moment") by Manish replaces it during episodes 50-81 and "My Friend" (マイ フレンド Mai Furendo) by Zard in episodes 82-101. The remaining music was composed by Takanobu Masuda. Three CDs soundtracks were published during the airing of the series in Japan.