Skip Beat! is an anime series adapted from the manga series of the same name written by Yoshiki Nakamura. Produced by Hal Film Maker, and directed by Kiyoko Sayama, the series would span one season. The first season, comprising twenty five episodes, premiered on TV Tokyo in Japan on October 5, 2008 and ended at March 29, 2009. The story follows Kyoko Mogami who, after coming to Tokyo with her childhood friend and up-and-coming idol Sho Fuwa, discovers that he was merely using her as a maid. She declares that she will exact revenge by entering showbiz and become more famous than he was.
Four pieces of theme music were used: two opening themes and two ending themes. The first opening theme is "Dream Star" performed by the generous, and the first closing theme is "Namida" performed by the hip-hop group 2BACKKA. The second opening theme starting from episode 20 is "Renaissance", also performed by the generous, and the second ending theme is "Eien" performed by Yusaku Kiyama.
Kyoko speaks with the President who asks if she believes she can love others. She says no, but insists that even though she can't feel love now, she wants to be able to gain back that important "human trait" that she lost. He agrees to let her in and gives her stamps and a notebook, saying if she does a good job she will get points, which will get her closer to her debut. Kyoko leaves the president pondering why she lost the ability to love, and finds a pink jumpsuit with the 'Love-Me' logo on the front and back, which was her new working attire.
After the shock of being picked up, Kyoko tries to struggle but then has no choice due to her injured ankle. Ren places her on the house because she kept on complaining, and his manager helped bandage Kyoko's ankle and asked if Ren always treated her this way. While answering, she felt an evil presence, which turns out to be Ruriko who had just witnessed Ren carrying Kyoko "like a princess" and was extremely jealous. Ruriko throws tantrums and after being infuriated by the coolness of Ren towards her and the lack of approval by the director for her portrayal of a "lady", she declares that she quits, saying that if he wanted a hard working amateur, he might as well pick Kyoko, who would do anything for points. Instead of being pleaded to stay like by all her previous directors, this one took up her 'suggestion' after Kyoko, enraged by Ruriko's attitude, agrees to the idea.
Kotonami Kanae (Moko), from Kyoko's audition into L.M.E., is discovered by Kyoko at L.M.E. headquarters. Even as she denies being eliminated from the audition, one of the judges from the audition appears and reveals she has become a member of the 'Love-Me' section. Kyoko became overjoyed and quickly binds Moko with her 'demons', in order to prevent her from running away.