The episodes of the Sgt. Frog anime series, originally titled as Keroro Gunso, is a Japanese television series produced and animated by Sunrise Inc. It first began airing in Japan on the television network TV Tokyo on April 3, 2004, and has since broadcast over 300 episodes, which are normally constituted from two 15 minutes shorts mostly and sometimes one 30 minutes story. The anime is an adaptation of Mine Yoshizaki's manga series of the same name, which was first serialized in Japan's Shōnen Ace in 1999, and has been toned down for children instead of focusing in teenagers. The anime itself is divided by seasons with a duration of a year (51 episodes per season, one per week except the first week of January), always starting and ending the first week of April.
The series centers around the invasion on Earth of a Platoon of 5 frog-like aliens and the mishaps that their incompetent and lazy leader cause. Around them are the human figures that help them understand earth's culture.
In 2009, Funimation Entertainment released the first English dubbed version of the anime which has spanned a total of six 12 to 14-episode DVD sets, with the first four sets later released in two larger 25 to 26-episode box sets. To date, the first 78 episodes have been released in English by FUNimation.
The title for each episode of the series always starts with the name of a character that becomes the episode's focus.
Starting season 6 Keroro is now full HD and having headroom.
The seventh season of the Sgt. Frog anime series had its running time reduced to 15 minutes in its original timeslot. However, a 2nd timeslot, which reruns the first 15-minute story and presents a new 15 minute one, called Keroro Gunso Otsu (ケロロ軍曹乙), was created. The "A" stories are the ones shown in the old timeslot, while the "B" stories are exclusive to the Otsu timeslot.