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List of School Rumble episodes

This is a list of episodes of animation based on the School Rumble manga. Note that all of the English translations are official titles with the exception of the second OVA pair

At the start of the new school year, Tenma wishes with all her heart to be placed in the same class as Karasuma so she can one day express her love to him. Her wish is granted, but she is devastated to find out that Karasuma is about to move abroad. She decides to write a letter pleading him to stay. In the end, this proves successful, although she forgets to sign her name.

When Tenma inadvertently breaks exam protocol during an important test, Harima decides to win her affection with a heroic gesture-- handing in his own test in the place of her disqualified one. Unfortunately, he scores zero marks, and the gesture is completely lost on Tenma.
During breaktime, Tenma goes to use the toilets, but is startled to see Karasuma outside. Not wanting him to see her doing something supposedly indelicate, she decides to wait until he leaves before coming out into the corridor. However, Karasuma's attention is held by several things that keep him standing outside the girls' toilets, and Tenma becomes desperate to escape. After several abortive plans that include accidentally hitting Harima with a mop, she decides to climb out of the window on the opposite side and down the outside wall, only to find that Karasuma has left his position and has had a full view of her clambering down from the window. Embarrassed, she runs away.

As an art assignment, 2C have to draw pictures of one another. Tenma is partnered with Karasuma and worries about being able to hold his gaze for long enough to get an accurate picture, but finds in the end that she already has his every feature memorised. She then becomes curious about how Karasuma will portray her, and peeks at his drawing. To her shock, it is drawn in a highly stylised traditional Japanese fashion, ukiyoe, which leaves her looking decidedly unflattering.
Still seeking a way to express her feelings to Karasuma, Tenma takes an idea from her favorite television series, The Three Who Were Slashed. She writes a letter and attaches it to an arrow, which will then be fired to land near Karasuma, so he can read her message without Tenma having to go through the embarrassment of presenting it to him. Unfortunately, Tenma is a lousy shot and Karasuma has an almost supernatural ability to step out of the way. There is a silver lining to the situation, though, as Tenma's fearsome appearance ends up halting would-be robbers.

Tenma is desperate to sit next to Karasuma on the coach when a school trip is announced. She tries to make the occupant of her desired seat feel motion sickness and get up, but ends up feeling ill herself. Meanwhile, Harima is hoping to sit next to Tenma, and when the coach stops for a few minutes, he tries to get back on before the others in order to grab the right seat. However, he boards the wrong coach, and to his embarrassment, finds himself being fussed over by a shipment of grannies from an old people's home. He eventually escapes by jumping into a wagon of pigs, and begins to make his way back across the country, still hoping to sit next to Tenma before the day is done.
Yakumo leaves the house early the following day, carrying an extra lunchbox. Tenma believes her little sister has found a boyfriend, but is disappointed to find that the food is actually for a stray cat. Meanwhile, Yakumo has discovered an odd power; if someone has warm feelings towards her, she can sense the intentions behind their words. This intuition is something of a headache at school-- every seemingly innocent comment made to her by a boy has the hidden intention of trying to get her to go on a date. Eventually, however, she meets an older student whose words actually match his actions due to his unusual sincerity and honesty: Hanai, who asks her to join the martial arts club so he can see what she looks like in a hakama. Sadly, Hanai's chances with Yakumo are completely shot down after Yakumo's intuition shows her he is thinking insulting things about Tenma. Later that night, the stray cat gets stuck in a tree. Trying to rescue it, Yakumo falls and hurts herself, but the experience causes the cat to trust her more. Yakumo can now sense the cat's feelings, but can't understand them, as they come across as nothing more than "miaow".

