Schitt's Creek is a Canadian television sitcom that premiered on CBC Television on January 13, 2015. The series was created by Eugene Levy and Daniel Levy and produced by Not a Real Company Productions. On January 12, 2015, CBC renewed the show for a second season. The second season premiered January 12, 2016. The second season consists of 13 episodes. On February 17, 2016, the CBC announced that they are renewing the show for a third season. CBC began broadcasting the third season of the show on January 10, 2017.
The series stars Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara as Johnny and Moira Rose, a wealthy couple who are forced, after losing all their money, to rebuild their lives in their only remaining asset: the small town of Schitt's Creek, which they once purchased as a joke, where they are living with their two adult children in two adjacent rooms of a rundown motel. The cast also includes Daniel Levy, Annie Murphy, Chris Elliott,Jennifer Robertson and Emily Hampshire.
As of the third-season finale in April 2017, 39 episodes of Schitt's Creek have aired in Canada and the United States.