The anime series Samurai Champloo is set during the Edo period. It follows a young woman named Fuu who hires two samurai, Mugen and Jin, after helping in stopping their public execution. The group is on a quest to find the mysterious samurai who smells of sunflowers that Fuu wishes to find.
The episodes of series were produced by Manglobe and written and directed by Shinichirō Watanabe. The first episode premiered in Japan on Fuji Television on May 20, 2004 where it ran for 26 episodes until its conclusion on March 19, 2005. The episodes were collected in DVD volumes in Japan with the first one released on August 1, 2004 and the final and thirteenth on August 24, 2005.
Geneon Entertainment licensed the show for distribution in North America in June 2004. An English dub of the series premiered in the United States on Cartoon Network on January 20, 2005, moving to the Adult Swim anime block on May 14, 2005. The series was collected in seven DVD volumes released between January 11, 2005 and January 17, 2006.Funimation Entertainment also released a DVD box on May 24, 2011.Samurai Champloo debuted in Canada on December 24, 2006 on the digital station Razer.
The episodes use six pieces of theme music. "Battlecry", performed by Nujabes and Shing02, is used for the opening theme for all twenty six episodes. "Song of Four Seasons (四季ノ唄 Shiki no Uta)" by Minmi is used for the primary ending theme, except for four episodes. Episode 12 uses Minmi's "Who's Theme" as its ending, episode 17 uses "You" by Kazami, 23 uses "Fly" by Azuma Riki, and the final episode uses the song "San Francisco" by Midicronica for its ending.