The television series Sabrina the Teenage Witch has hosted a wide array of characters and guests over its series run. Sabrina and Salem are the only two characters to remain on the show throughout all consecutive seven seasons and all three made-for-TV movies.
Sabrina is depicted from the middle of high school through all the way to marriage. On her sixteenth birthday, she learned that she was a half-witch (through her father's side) and had magical powers. She also learned that her two aunts were witches themselves and that their black cat Salem was a witch who had been turned into a talking household pet as a punishment for attempting worldwide domination. At Westbridge High, she befriended Jenny Kelley (and later Valerie Birkhead in seasons 2 and 3) and had an on-again, off-again relationship with Harvey Kinkle. She also has to deal with her Vice Principal Kraft who dates her aunt Zelda and then in season 4 becomes principal and stops dating Zelda and then goes back on and again not due to car crashes. In the finale they finally stop dating due to Salem driving a car into him. In season 4, Harvey believes Sabrina is cheating on him. They get back together later in Season 4 and then break up again when Harvey discovers she's a witch. She also had to deal with the snobby and headstrong cheerleader Libby Chessler, who became Sabrina's rival for school activities as well as Harvey's affections. Sabrina also at some points transforms herself into Libby to gain popularity (Libby is the queen of the school) for her "dorky" activities. In later seasons, Sabrina was enrolled at the fictional Adams College in Boston. Her roommates are gloomy Roxie, fashion-glamour Morgan, and paranormal activist Miles, who, at one point almost got Sabrina exposed as a witch. After getting her degree in journalism she moved back to her aunts' house with Morgan and Roxie. She took a job with the fictitious ScorchMagazine, a music theme magazine where she interviewed famous artists. Later on, she met a man named Aaron, who also worked in the music industry and the two began dating. Before long, Aaron proposed and in the finale, the two were set to wed when unforeseen events take place. She started to suspect that Aaron was not the one and after Sabrina had tried to connect her soul stone with his, she was sure of it. While it mostly fit, it was not a perfect fit. She tried to ignore it, but followed her heart and canceled the marriage at the altar. When she ran out of the church, she found Harvey waiting for her outside on his motorcycle, holding his soul stone that Amanda, her cousin, had left him. After both Harvey and Sabrina's soul stones were tossed to the side and fit together perfectly, it proved that those two are destined to be together and they rode off together into the distance in true finale fashion at 12:36 on the dot, the same hour they first met. Sabrina's magic takes the form of yellow sparks.