Robocar Poli (Hangul: 로보카 폴리; RR: Ro-bo-ka Polli) is a South Korean animated children's television series created by RoiVisual. The series premiered on February 28, 2011 on Educational Broadcasting System, and 104 episodes have aired for four seasons (26 per season). Each of the episodes is normally 11 minutes.
Season 1 began on February 28 (with "Rescue team of Brooms Town"), and ended on July 12, 2011 (with "Our new friend, Whooper"). It contains 26 episodes.
Season 2 began on December 26, 2011 (with "Rody is a liar"), and ended on May 15, 2012 (with "Harmony of Brooms Town (part 2)"). It contains 26 episodes.
Season 3 began on February 26 (with "Brooms Town's Visitor"), and ended on May 22, 2014 (with "Amber's Training"). It contains 26 episodes.
Season 4 began on 31 August, and ended on 24 November, 2015. It contains 26 episodes.
Traffic Safety with Poli (Hangul: 폴리와 함께하는 교통안전 이야기; RR: Polli-wa Ham-kke-ha-neun Gyo-tong-an-jeon Yi-ya-gi) is a spin-off of the original series. As part of Hyundai Motors' global corporate social responsibility project with RoiVisual and EBS, the series was produced for educating children on the importance of traffic safety, and has aired for two seasons. The first season of the spin-off was shown as six 11-minute episodes, in each of which two segments were combined into one episode.
This season began on December 5 (with "Don't Imitate Jaywalking!"), and ended on December 20, 2011 (with "Making a Traffic Safety Map of Our Town"). The season contains 12 episodes.
Season 2 began on March 1 (with "The Secret of Street Corners"), and ended on May 31, 2013 (with "I'm the Traffic Safety Quiz Champion!"). It contains 14 episodes.