The manga series Rin-ne is written and illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi. The first chapter premiered on April 22, 2009 in Weekly Shōnen Sunday. The series focuses on Sakura Mamiya, a girl who gained the power to see ghosts after an incident as a child, and her classmate Rinne Rokudo, a boy of mixed human and shinigami heritage who helps lingering spirits finally pass on to be reincarnated. The first tankōbon volume was released by Shogakukan on October 16, 2009 in Japan; as of November 18, 2014, 23 volumes have been released.Rin-ne is licensed for an English-language release in North America by Viz Media, which published the chapters simultaneously online in English as they were serialized in Japan until March 17, 2011. Viz Media began releasing the volumes of Rin-ne on October 20, 2009, which was the first title to be released under their Shonen Sunday imprint. Viz Media released the first tankōbon volume on October 20, 2009; 34 volumes have been released as of December 16, 2016.
These chapters have yet to be published in a tankōbon volume. They were originally serialized in Japanese in issues of Weekly Shōnen Sunday from November 2016 to April 2017.