RWBY is an ongoing American anime-styled web series created by Rooster Teeth Productions. It premiered on July 18, 2013 on the Rooster Teeth website, and episodes were later uploaded to YouTube and streaming websites such as Crunchyroll. Four seasons, referred to as "volumes", have been released, with a fifth announced to premiere on October 14, 2017. Episodes are referred to as chapters.
A side series called World of Remnant series was introduced during the release of the second season. The short videos (2-7 minutes each) reveal more information about Remnant, the world RWBY takes place in. As of July 2017, 16 World of Remnant episodes have been released. Volume 2 and 3 each include four episodes, Volume 4 includes eight episodes. The episode "Aura" (Volume 2) was released as a DVD/Blu-Ray exclusive and four of the Volume 4 episodes were initially released exclusively to Rooster Teeth's website.
Before the premiere of Volume 1, four trailers were released: the "Red", "White", "Black" and "Yellow" trailer, each focusing on one of the series' protagonists. They are a prelude to the main story and act as an introduction to both the main characters and world of RWBY.
Volume 1 was released between July 18 and November 7, 2013. Chapters premiered to the public Thursdays at 7 pm Central Standard Time (UTC-6) on the Rooster Teeth website and were released two hours early for "sponsors". They were uploaded to YouTube a week later. Crunchyroll announced on August 16, 2013, that RWBY would be simulcast on the video streaming site.
A mysterious narrator explains that humankind was formed from the dust of creation, but shortly after, creatures of darkness known as Grimm appeared and began attacking mankind and its creations. However, the humans eventually discovered a power of "nature's wrath", which became known as "Dust". They used this power to drive off the Grimm and secure their own existence. The narrator warns that the dark will eventually return and destroy the Human civilization, which will not be able to defeat the Grimm a second time when solely relying on Dust and strength. Another voice muses that victory may come from something long forgotten: "a smaller, more honest soul."