Queen's Blade is an anime television series based on the visual combat books by Hobby Japan. Produced by ARMS, the anime is directed and composed by Kinji Yoshimoto, produced by Hiromasa Minami, Hirotaka Yoshida, Kazuaki Morijiri, Masaaki Yokota and Shinsaku Tanaka, characters by Rin Sin, and music by Masaru Yokoyama. The episodes' plot covers the events leading up to the Queen's Blade–a tournament of strength and beauty held every four years to decide who will be the next Queen, and the story centers on Leina Vance, heiress to the count, travelling to Gainos to compete in the Queen's Blade tournament.
The first season of the anime, called Queen's Blade: Wandering Warrior (クイーンズブレイド 流浪の戦士 Kuīnzu Bureido Rurō no Senshi), premiered on AT-X on April 2, 2009 and ran twelve episodes until June 18, 2009, with subsequent broadcasts on Chiba TV, Sun Television, and Tokyo MX. The show aired uncensored on AT-X, while it is heavily censored on other channels. Six DVD and Blu-ray Disc volumes were released by Media Factory between June 25 and November 25, 2009, each DVD/BD volume containing one of six OVAs called Let's Get Everyone♥Great Rampage at Gynos Academy! (みんなでちゃうよ♥ガイノス学園大暴れ! Minna de Chau yo♥Gainos Gakuen Dai Abare!), which features the Queen's Blade fighters in a school setting. The anime is licensed in North America by Media Blasters under the title Queen's Blade: The Exiled Virgin, and released three DVD volumes between May 18 and October 26, 2010. A DVD/BD box set of the series was later released on February 15, 2011.