Quantico is an American television thriller series created by Joshua Safran, which premiered on ABC on September 27, 2015. The series follows a group of young FBI recruits, or New Agent Trainees ("NATs"); each has a specific reason for joining. Flashbacks detail their previous lives, while the recruits battle their way through training at the academy in Quantico, Virginia. However, the series reveals in a flash forward twist that one of the recruits, upon graduating from the academy, will be suspected of masterminding the biggest terror attack on New York City since the September 11 attacks in 2001. Every episode's title for the first season are the last word spoken in the episode, while for the second season the episode's titles are CIA cryptonyms.
The series was ordered on May 7, 2015, by ABC. It was picked up with an order of 13 episodes, but ABC later picked up the show for a full season on October 13, 2015, with an additional six episodes, increasing the episode count to 19 and in November to 22 episodes.Quantico was renewed for a second season on March 3, 2016, and premiered on September 25, 2016. As of February 6, 2017[update], 33 episodes of Quantico have aired.