Psych is an American crime/mystery comedy television series that premiered on July 7, 2006 on USA Network, and aired its series finale on March 26, 2014. It stars James Roday as Shawn Spencer, who uses his eidetic memory with the observational and investigative skills that his father ingrained in him during childhood to fake being a psychic who consults with the Santa Barbara Police Department to solve cases, as well as running a psychic detective agency called Psych. He is (reluctantly) helped in his charade by his best friend, Burton "Gus" Guster (Dulé Hill), and his father, Henry Spencer (Corbin Bernsen). He generally works with police detectives Carlton Lassiter (Timothy Omundson) and Juliet O'Hara (Maggie Lawson) and under the direction of Police Chief Karen Vick (Kirsten Nelson). Episodes usually begin with a flashback to Shawn's youth, showcasing one of Henry's lessons for his son. These lessons are typically used or applied later in the episode. This show is full of witty comebacks, and will often throw in 80's references.
121 episodes of Psych aired during the show's run.
† denotes a two-hour episode (with advertisements).