Pretty Rhythm: Rainbow Live is a television anime series produced by Tatsunoko Production. It is a sequel to the 2012 series, Pretty Rhythm: Dear My Future, which is based on the Japanese Pretty Rhythm video game franchise by Takara Tomy. The series revolves around a girl named Naru Ayase who becomes an idol. The series aired in Japan on TV Tokyo from April 6, 2013 to March 29, 2014. It was followed by Pretty Rhythm: All-Star Selection.
Wakana accuses Ann of stealing her My Song, with Bell explaining that Wakana has been singing that song at Prism Shows for a long time now. Ann says that the song was written by an upperclassman of hers, Kazuki Nishina, and given to her when he graduated. In order to prove her claims, Ann is asked by Coo to bring Kazuki to Prism Stone the next day. Naru, Ann, and Ito meet up with Kazuki, who says that the one to write the song was not him, but Kouji, who had given it to him when Kouji dropped out of Edel Rose. Hiro, Bell, Wakana, and Otoha meet up with the Prism Stone team, with Hiro revealing that Kouji was supposed to debut with him, but "chickened out", according to Wakana. After Hiro begins mocking Kouji, Kazuki challenges him to a dance battle - if Kazuki were to win, the song will belong to Ann. Before the dance battle begins, Kazuki saves a little boy from being hit by a truck, causing him to sprain his ankle. Due to his injury, Hiro wins the dance battle. However, Kouji arrives, saying he gave the song to Kazuki, allowing Ann to continue using the song as her My Song.
In order to confirm whether or not Rinne can actually do four consecutive Prism Jumps, Bell, Wakana, and Otoha invite Prism Stone to an Edel Rose Prism Show. However, Chisato says Rinne can't go due to some urgent business. As a result, Prism Stone cannot perform at Edel Rose, since all four members aren't there. Ann decides to call Rinne, but learns from Chisato that Rinne has disappeared - as she is already at Edel Rose, as discovered by Naru. Naru and Ann go after Rinne, but can't find her. Ito finds out about the plan concerning Rinne after an impulsive outburst from Otoha, and tells Naru and Ann. Ann and Wakana decide to hold a Prism Show contest in which the loser must quit Prism Shows for good. Fortunately, a rainstorm occurs before the contest begin. The six girls then see Rinne dancing in the rain, singing her My Song. She performs her first solo Prism Live and executes her consecutive jumps, confirming that the four jumps are no magic trick. The Prism Stone girls learn that Bell, Wakana, and Otoha are preparing for the Dreaming Session, an upcoming Prism Show tournament, in which they decide to enter themselves.