Peep Show is a British sitcom starring David Mitchell and Robert Webb. The series follows the lives of two men from their twenties to thirties. Mark Corrigan (Mitchell), who has steady employment for most of the series, and Jeremy "Jez" Usbourne (Webb), an unemployed would-be musician, are the main characters of the show.
Characters appear in all series unless otherwise specified.
Mark Corrigan (portrayed by David Mitchell) is a loan manager at JLB Credit. Responsible but also socially awkward and despondent, he is the owner of the flat that he shares with Jeremy on the outskirts of Croydon, South London. He appears to have had a miserable upbringing. He is a graduate in Business Studies from Dartmouth University, where he met Jeremy. He achieved 7 GCSEs, and he has a love of history, especially ancient history—which he originally wanted to study at university, before being forced by his parents into reading Business studies instead. Mark is aware of Jeremy's intellectual inferiority, but often looks to him for social guidance. He is plagued by paranoia as to how others perceive him, and by doubts over whether his actions are normal. He often simply endures activities that others seem to enjoy. Mark's infatuation and relationship with Sophie is a major theme of the first four series. Following their disastrous wedding and divorce, he pursues a series of other women during Series 5, wondering whether each could be "the one". After a brief affair with Sophie following their break-up, she becomes pregnant and later gives birth to Mark's child.
Jeremy Usbourne (portrayed by Robert Webb) is an unemployed aspiring musician and a "work-shy freeloader" who lives in the spare room of Mark's Croydon flat. He is cowardly, juvenile, and quite arrogant, but considers himself to be immensely talented and attractive. He tends to be more sociable than Mark, but can sometimes come across as vindictive and cold. Jeremy has displayed a readiness to engage in actions detrimental to his friends for his own gain. Jeremy is free-spirited and enjoys recreational drugs as well as casual sex, although he has become emotionally attached in relationships with Toni, Nancy, Big Suze and Elena. In the final series, he enters a same-sex relationship with a younger man named Joe. He attended the fictional Dartmouth University with Mark and graduated with a degree in nursing. Jeremy was a nurse for a while, but quit because he was 'disgusted at having to help people'. He also receives financial support from his family despite maintaining an estranged relationship with his mother.