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List of Palestinians

The following Lists of Palestinians are lists of notable people with either a self-designation (endonym) or a foreign appellation (exonym) as "Palestinian", or who were born in the region of Palestine.

Anyone with roots in the region that is now Israel, the West Bank and Gaza is technically a Palestinian, but today the term predominantly associates with the descendants of the non-Jewish population of the region.

Whilst the history of a distinct Palestinian national identity is a disputed issue amongst scholars, and politicians, approximately 12 million people today identify as Palestinians, as defined in the Palestinian National Charter of 1968.

The first list "Mandate period and after" consists of people who identify as "Palestinians" since the creation of Mandatory Palestine in 1920. Palestinian Jews,Samaritans, Druze, and Dom are native to the geographic region of Palestine, but the lists does not include them, since today very few self-dentify as "Palestinians".

The second list "Pre-Mandate" consists of people with roots in the region of Palestine prior to the modern identity politics resulting from the creation of Mandatory Palestine and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Samaritans, Druze, Palestinian Jews, and Dom are native to the geographic region of Palestine, but the list also include some famous names and titles as exonyms, prior to nationalism and national identity becoming commonplace in the modern era.

