Ouran High School Host Club is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Bisco Hatori. The series follows Haruhi Fujioka, a scholarship student to the exclusive Ouran High School, and, through an accident, is forced to join the school's host club.
The manga is serialized monthly in Hakusensha's magazine LaLa running from August 5, 2003 and to September 24, 2010. The untitled chapters have been collected in eighteen tankōbon volumes in Japan. An English adaption of the series is also published in North America by Viz Media under their Shojo Beat label and in Singapore by Chuang Yi with the title Ouran High Host Club; the Singapore edition is imported under license to Australia and New Zealand by Madman Entertainment. The series is also published in Singapore in simplified Chinese by Chuang Yi, in Indonesia by Elex Media Komputindo, in South Korea by Haksanpub, in France by Panini Comics under the Génération Comics imprint, in Germany by Carlsen Comics, and in Brazil and Mexico by Panini Comics.
63: Tamaki dreams of his father, who is kept apart from Tamaki and his mother. His father reassures him that family bonds can't be broken by distance. Tamaki wakes up and mentions that he wasn't invited to the New Year party at the main residence again and so it's unlikely that he will succeed his Grandmother, who is chairman of the Suoh business and lives at the main residence. He realises he's late to meet the others at the Asakusa temple. On meeting up, Hikaru notices that Tamaki is distracted and challenges him to a competition to buy something that Haruhi will love the most. They split up, but later on Tamaki runs into Haruhi. Tamaki mentions Hikaru, and Haruhi confesses that she hates herself for not realising his feelings sooner and questions how she can succeed as a lawyer if she's so dense. Tamaki reassures her and tells her to be more confident. He gives her an Ootoro Ring, which he bought earlier as part of Hikaru's challenge, which cheers her up. Seeing her happiness, Tamaki wonders what kind of love he feels for Haruhi and absent-mindedly touches her face - embarrassing them both. Tamaki explains to Haruhi that he's not really her father, and Haruhi calls him an idiot and says she never thought of him like a father. Embarrassed, she runs away and Tamaki chases after her. He finds her Ootoro Ring on the ground, but Haruhi has disappeared.