Omamori Himari is an anime series adapted from the manga of the same title by Milan Matra. The story centers on Yuto Amakawa, a boy who, on day of his sixteenth birthday, meets Himari, a cat spirit in the form of a beautiful young girl. He learns from her that he is the descendant of one of the twelve Demon Slayer families that had slain ayakashi since feudal times, and that Himari has sworn an oath to protect him from the ayakashi that are out to kill him until his powers awaken. He later meets other girls who start out as enemies, but later become rivals for Yuto's affection as the series progresses. The anime follows the first twenty-nine chapters of the manga, with moderate changes to the original's storyline.
Produced by Zexcs and directed by Shinji Ushiro, the series was broadcast on TV Saitama and Chiba TV from January 6 to March 24, 2010, with subsequent broadcasts on Tokyo MX, TV Aichi, tvk, TVQ, and Sun Television. English-subtitled simulcasts were provided by Crunchyroll following its premiere date. Six DVD compilation volumes were released by Kadokawa Pictures between March 26 and August 28, 2010, with limited edition volumes also released. A Blu-ray box set was released on January 27, 2012.
The opening theme is "Oshichau zo!!" (押しちゃうぞっ!!) performed by AyaRuka, consisting of singers Aya Sakamoto and Ruka Kawada, while the ending theme is "BEAM my BEAM" performed by Himarinko L. Shizukuesu (ひまりんこ・L・しずくえす), consisting of the main female cast with the seventh episode version sung by Ami Koshimizu, the eighth episode version sung by Iori Nomizu, the ninth episode version sung by Kei Shindo, the tenth episode version sung by Asuka Ōgame, and the eleventh episode version sung by Yuki Matsuoka. The ending theme used in episode 12 is "Sakamichi no Hate" (坂道の果て, "At the End of the Hill) performed by Yuto Amakawa (Daisuke Hirakawa).