Nichijou is a 2011 Japanese anime television series produced by Kyoto Animation based on the comedy manga by Keiichi Arawi. The series is directed by Tatsuya Ishihara and aired in Japan from April 3, 2011 to September 26, 2011. It is also simulcasted by Crunchyroll under the name My Ordinary Life. Prior to the airing of the anime series, an original video animation episode, titled "Nichijou Episode 0", shipped with the sixth manga volume on March 12, 2011. For the first 13 episodes in the first broadcast, the opening theme song is "Hyadain no Kakakata Kataomoi - C" (ヒャダインのカカカタ☆カタオモイ-C?, lit. "Hyadain's U-u-u-u☆unrequited Love - C") by Hyadain, while the ending theme song is "Zzz" by Sayaka Sasaki. For episodes 14 onwards, the opening theme is "Hyadain no Jōjō Yūjō" (ヒャダインのじょーじょーゆーじょー Hyadain's Amazing Friendship?) by Hyadain and its ending song varies every episode.
Mio Naganohara tries to comfort her friend Yūko Aioi when she gets a 1% score on a test. Meanwhile, robotic girl Nano Shinonome tries to give the young Professor, who has a cold, some medicine, which she refuses to eat, and tries to get advice from their talking cat, Sakamoto. Finally the Professor eats the medicine after Nano mixes it with pudding. Later, Yūko, Mio and their friend Mai Minakami go on a train ride, which is completely empty at this time of the day.