The anime series Neuro: Supernatural Detective is based on the manga series of the same name written and illustrated by Yūsei Matsui, directed by Hiroshi Kōjina and co-produced by Madhouse, Nippon Television, Shueisha, D.N. Dream Partners and VAP. The episodes follow Neuro Nogami: a demon who depends on mysteries for sustenance and, after solving all the mysteries in the demonic world, comes to Earth to solve its mysteries. Nero does this undetected by using a detective office and a high-school student, Yako Katsuragi, as a facade.
Production of the Neuro: Supernatural Detective anime was announced on July 14, 2007 in issue 33 of Shueisha's magazine, Weekly Shōnen Jump. The series originally aired between October 2, 2007 and March 25, 2008 on Nippon Television; it was later broadcast by four NTV affiliates: HTV, YTV, CTV and STV. The episodes were later combined into nine DVDs, released by VAP from December 21, 2007 to August 27, 2008; VAP re-released all the episodes in a DVD box set on September 30, 2008.
Viz Media announced its acquisition of Neuro: Supernatural Detective for North American release in the March 2011 issue of its magazine, Shonen Jump. The company renamed the series from Majin Tantei Nōgami Neuro to Neuro: Supernatural Detective, streaming the English-subtitled episodes from February 18, 2011, to July 1, 2011 on its website and Hulu.
The series has two pieces of theme music: "Dirty", by Nightmare, the series' opening theme, and "Kodoku no Hikari" (孤独のヒカリ, lit. "Light of Solitude"), by Seira Kagami, the ending theme.