Natsume Yūjin-chō is a Japanese anime television series based on the manga series Natsume's Book of Friends by Yuki Midorikawa. The first anime series was produced by Brain's Base under the direction of Takahiro Omori. It was broadcast on the TV Tokyo network in two seasons of 13 episodes each, the first from July 7 to September 29, 2008 and the second, called Zoku Natsume Yūjin-chō (続 夏目友人帳?, Natsume's Book of Friends Continued), from January 5 to March 30, 2009. For the first season, the opening theme was "Issei no Sei" (一斉の声?, "Simultaneous Voice") by Shūhei Kita, and the ending theme was "Natsu Yūzora" (夏夕空?, "Summer Evening Sky") by Kousuke Atari. For the second season, the opening theme was "Ano Hi Time Machine" (あの日タイムマシン?, "That Day's Time Machine") by Long Shot Party and the ending theme was "Aishiteru" (愛してる?, "I Love You") by Kourin (Also known as Callin'). Both seasons were released on five DVDs each.