Naruto: Shippuden is an anime series adapted from Part II of the Naruto manga series by Masashi Kishimoto. The series is directed by Hayato Date and produced by Studio Pierrot and TV Tokyo. Naruto: Shippuden is a continuation of the Naruto manga, and continues the same story line after the passing of two and a half years in the Naruto universe. It began broadcasting on TV Tokyo on February 15, 2007.
In 2008, Viz Media and Crunchyroll began providing eight English subtitled Naruto: Shippuden episodes on the official Naruto website every week until it caught up to the Japanese anime. In 2009, Viz began providing subtitled versions of the latest Naruto: Shippuden episodes a week after they first air in Japan, with a new episode being added to the Naruto website each subsequent Thursday. Viz had stated the English dub would be released sometime in the near future.
The English dub of Naruto: Shippuden made its US premiere on Disney XD on October 28, 2009. Episodes 1-374 of the English dub are now available at the Microsoft Store for Xbox One and Windows 10 via Windows Store or Movies & TV app, iTunes Store,Zune Marketplace and PlayStation Store. The first DVD release of the series in North America was released on September 29, 2009. Episodes 1 through 53 were made and broadcast in 4:3 standard definition fullscreen, while episodes 54 onward were made and broadcast in 16:9 widescreen.