Moyasimon is a manga series written and illustrated by Masayuki Ishikawa. It started serialization in Kodansha's seinen magazine Evening in August 2004. On June 22, 2013, it moved to Kodansha's magazine Morning two and ran in that magazine until January 2014. Originally titled Tales of an Agricultural University (農大物語 Nōdai Monogatari), its title was changed in the second chapter to Moyasimon: Tales of an Agricultural University (農大物語もやしもん Nōdai Monogatari Moyashimon), then simply Moyashimon, before gaining the English subtitle Tales of Agriculture. Kodansha published 13 tankōbon volumes between May 23, 2005 and March 20, 2014. Del Rey Manga licensed the manga in September 2008, and released volume one in English in North America in November 2009, with volume two released on June 22, 2010.