Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ is a 1986 Japanese science fiction anime television series created and directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino and produced by Nagoya Broadcasting Network, Sotsu Agency, and Sunrise with music production by Starchild Records. Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ is the sequel to the 1986 Japanese science fiction series Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. Spanning 47 episodes, the series premiered in Japan on Nagoya Broadcasting Network on March 1, 1986 and concluded on January 31, 1987.
Four pieces of theme music are used over the course of the series—two opening themes and two closing themes. For the first twenty-five episodes, the opening theme is "It's Not an Anime" (Anime Ja Nai) and the closing theme is "The Era is Crying" (Jidai ga Naiteiru), both by Masato Arai. For the remaining twenty-two episodes, the opening theme is "Silent Voice" and the closing theme is "Ten Million Years Galaxy" (Issenman-Nen Ginga), both by Jun Hiroe.
Bandai said that they had no plans for an English dub and it is unlikely that there will be one in the future, due to the shutdown of Bandai Entertainment.
The mysterious suitcase from space lands in Side 1 and the executives in charge the facilities open it up, discovering it is a payment to allow an Axis cruiser to land in their spaceport. The executives decide to allow the Axis to land despite the port also being host to the Axis's rivals, the Argama.
In the port, the Argama's Captain Bright Noa is warned about the Axis ship by one of the executives, a Chimatter warns about the potential conflict and advises the Argama to avoid contact with the Axis cruiser by taking the Argama through one of the space colony's maintenance tunnels.
Meanwhile, Judau Ashta's crew of misfits and his annoying little sister Leina Ashta start another foolhardy attempt to steal the broken Zeta Gundam. While they argue, they witness the Agrama in transit and give chase with Judau using his Petite Mobile Suit. He sneaks aboard and is given free rein over the ship since he reminds Bright of how both Amuro Ray and Kamille Bidan were at the start of their respective adventures. While Judau greets Shinta and Qum, the Argama comes under assault from a mobile suit piloted by the captain of the Axis cruiser, Mashymre Cello in his own foolish plan to capture Zeta for his beloved Haman Karn.