Medaka Box (Japanese: めだかボックス Hepburn: Medaka Bokkusu?) is an anime series adapted from the manga of the same title by Nisio Isin and Akira Akatsuki. The series follows Medaka Kurokami, Zenkichi Hitoyoshi, Kouki Akune and Mogana Kikaijima, who are the members of the student council, during their various adventures to honor suggestions presented by academy members in order to better the academy. Produced by Gainax and directed by Shouji Saeki, the anime series premiered on TV Tokyo on April 5, 2012, and ran for 12 episodes. The anime has been licensed in North America by Sentai Filmworks, who will release the anime in both digital and home video formats. The opening theme is "Happy Crazy Box", performed by Minami Kuribayashi. The ending theme is "Ohanabatake ni Tsuretette" (お花畑に連れてって?), performed by Medaka's voice actress Aki Toyosaki. A second season, titled Medaka Box Abnormal (めだかボックス アブノーマル Medaka Bokkusu Abunōmaru?), aired from October 11 to December 27, 2012. The opening theme, "Believe", is once again performed by Minami Kuribayashi for the first 11 episodes and "Want to be winner!" is performed by Megumi Ogata for the final episode. The ending theme for the first 11 episodes is "Shugoshin Paradox" (守護心PARADOX?) by Aki Misato.