Max Steel is a science fiction–comedy CGI–animated television series co-produced by Mattel Playground Productions, Nerd Corps Entertainment and FremantleMedia Kids & Entertainment. It is a re-imagining of its predecessor of the same name, and is based on the Mattel action-figure also of the same name. Max Steel premiered on March.
Extroyer's henchmen steal a package from a science lab and then park their car in a place where they sell preowned cars by accident. The next morning Max and Kirby buy the car and Extroyer's Henchmens start searching for the car. Berto turns the car into a Turbo Car and Extroyer's Henchmens kidnap Sydney. Max follows them while the old man that was checking how well Max can drive fell asleep. Max and Steel get Ultra-Linked and then they enter Extroyer's secret hideout and then Extroyer knocks Max Steel out.