The following is a list of episodes for the Magical Girls Lyrical Nanoha anime franchise, which spawned from the Triangle Heart eroge series. The series follows a girl named Nanoha Takamachi who one day becomes a magical girl, facing off against various other magical foes throughout the series.
The first season, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, was directed by Akiyuki Shinbo at Seven Arcs and aired in Japan between October 1, 2004 and December 24, 2004. The opening theme is "Innocent Starter" by Nana Mizuki while the ending theme is "Little Wish ~lyrical step~" by Yukari Tamura. The second season, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's, aired between October 1, 2005 and December 24, 2005, once again produced by Seven Arcs but now directed by Keizō Kusakawa. The opening theme is "Eternal Blaze" by Mizuki while the ending theme is "Spiritual Garden" by Tamura. Both Nanoha and Nanoha A's were released on DVD in North America by Geneon USA in May 2009. The third season, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS, aired in Japan between April 1, 2007 and September 24, 2007, once again directed by Kusakawa at Seven Arcs. The series is set ten years after the events of A's and introduces a new cast of characters joining the previous cast. The opening themes are "Secret Ambition" for episodes 1-17 and "Massive Wonders" for episodes 18 onwards, both performed by Mizuki. The ending themes are "Hoshizora no Spica" (星空のSpica?) for episodes 1-14 and "Beautiful Amulet" for episodes 15 onwards, both performed by Tamura. All three series were later added for streaming on Amazon Video in the United Kingdom in December 2016.