Mad Dogs is a British television serial, written by Cris Cole. The series premiered in the United Kingdom on 10 February 2011 on Sky1 with a four-part first series. Series two and three also contained four parts each, broadcasting in early 2012 and June 2013 respectively. It concluded with a two-part fourth and final series on 28 and 29 December 2013. Mad Dogs follows four lifelong friends, Baxter (John Simm), Quinn (Philip Glenister), Rick (Marc Warren) and Woody (Max Beesley), who spend a week in Majorca to celebrate the early retirement of Alvo (Ben Chaplin), another friend. However, as time goes by the friends become embroilled in the world of crime and police corruption after Alvo is murdered.
When the four and Carmen find Quinn's wife, they are shot at, prompting them to hide in the panic room. They find that they are being stalked by a man in a Tony Blair mask, leading the group to believe that the Majorcan drug gang are out for revenge. When Shani arrives, Woody makes her go to Quinn's bar. When the assassin follows her, the group leave to rescue her, arming themselves from Quinn's weapons cache, although unknown to Quinn only two of the guns are loaded. They find themselves chased by more men in Blair masks, prompting them to hide in a shelter after escaping a traffic jam. They hear a noise of a homeless little boy, but believing they are the sounds of the assassins, Baxter empties his pistol, inadvertently killing Carmen. They are forced to leave her behind and drive to the beach where one of Rick's friends has arranged to meet. However when they arrive, they realise they were set up, finding a large group of gangsters and Dominic, who capture them. After the gang put the hoods over their heads, they appear as if they are about to be executed, however they later realise the entire gang has left them alone. As they drive away, Baxter sees a car pass with two men in Blair masks. One of them unmasks himself to reveal another Baxter. After they ponder if their ordeal is over, their car drives past an unfinished interchange, and plunges.