Lord Marksman and Vanadis is an anime series adapted from the light novel of the same title by written by Tsukasa Kawaguchi and illustrated Yoshi☆o and Hinata Katagiri. Set during a civil war in an alternate Europe, the series follows the adventures of Tigrevurmud Vorn who is a nobleman from the Brunish town of Alsace that participates in a failed invasion attempt. Eleonora Viltaria is a war maiden from Leitmeritz. She captures Tigre and recruits him into her army. Elen and Tigre are inevitably drawn into the conflict when Tigre's homeland Alsace is invaded. They must stop Duke Felix Aaron Thenardier's plot for power. The anime adapts material from the first five volumes of the light novel series.
Produced by Satelight and written and directed by Tatsuo Satō, the series premiered on October 4, 2014 on AT-X with later broadcasts on MBS, Tokyo MX, TVA and BS11, with advance screenings held on September 20, 2014 at United Cinemas Toyosu. In conjunction with the anime adaptation, a weekly mini series called Tigre and Vanadish (ティグルくんとヴァナディーちゅ Tigre-kun to Vanadi-chu?) and a short narration by Yuka Iguchi as Limalisha called the Lim's Report was streamed online. Tigre and Vanadish is 2D animated with chibi sized characters that play out short segments of the light novel that were edited out of the anime.Lim's Report is a brief summary and analysis of the war tactics used by each forces in each episode. The first Blu-ray and DVD compilation was released by Media Factory on December 24, 2014, with later volumes being released monthly until May 27, 2015 for a total of six volumes. The volumes also includes the Tigre and Vanadish mini-series and other bonus material.