Line of Duty is a British police procedural created by Jed Mercurio. The series features Martin Compston, Vicky McClure and Adrian Dunbar, alongside successive stars Lennie James (series 1), Keeley Hawes (series 2-3), Daniel Mays (series 3), and Thandie Newton (series 4). To date, seventeen episodes have aired.
The first series of Line of Duty – consisting of five episodes – premiered on 26 June 2012. The series focuses on five main characters: DCI Tony Gates (Lennie James), DS Steve Arnott (Martin Compston), DC Kate Fleming (Vicky McClure), Superintendent Ted Hastings (Adrian Dunbar), and DS Matthew Cottan (Craig Parkinson).
A counter-terrorist police raid kills an innocent man after mistakenly raiding the wrong flat. DS Steve Arnott refuses to take part in a cover-up. He is transferred to AC-12, an anti-corruption squad led by Superintendent Ted Hastings. Hastings informs Arnott that his first investigation will focus on DCI Tony Gates, the senior officer of TO-20, a unit of Central Police CID, who has just been made Officer of the Year. Hastings has received a tip-off that Gates has a suspiciously high clearance rate due to "laddering" – a process in which a number of different charges are placed on the same defendant to increase an officer's number of successful cases. Initially, Hastings interviews Gates on a minor charge – failure to report accepting a free breakfast for apprehending a mugger outside of a local cafe.
Gates continues his investigation into the double murder of the two suspected drug dealers, and interviews a less than cooperative witness – whom he forces to talk by threatening that, even if he does not talk, he will be labelled a police snitch. Dot and Deepak apologise for leaving the surveillance early. Meanwhile, Simon and Karen respond to a silent alarm at a block of flats and catch a burglar in the act. Leah interviews him, and during interrogation he also confesses to a number of other offences. Meanwhile, Arnott ponders why Gates has taken on the case of the hit and run. Whilst interviewing waitress Nadzia, she informs him that Gates' breakfast companion was tall, slim and dark-haired, and Arnott suspects she may have been describing Laverty. A search on the police database reveals a number of burglaries committed by the offender caught by Simon and Karen were on properties owned by Laverty Holdings PLC.