Let's Stay Together is an American romantic comedy television series created by Jacque Edmonds Cofer. It premiered on BET on January 11, 2011. The series premiere drew 4.4 million viewers. Initially, Soul Food star Malinda Williams was cast in the lead role of Stacy. For undisclosed reasons, she was recast with Nadine Ellis. On April 20, 2013, BET announced that the series was renewed for a second season which aired 22 episodes starting in January 2012. For its second season, Erica Hubbard appeared infrequently due to her pregnancy. New cast member Kyla Pratt (formerly of UPN's One on One) joined the cast portraying Crystal, Charles and Kita's cousin. At the 2012 BET Upfront on April 13, 2012, it was revealed that the show has been renewed for a third season. The third season premiered on March 26, 2013. In April 2013, BET Networks announced the show had been renewed for a fourth season which premiered on March 4, 2014.
Season 2 opens and picks up with dramas surrounding Charles' and Stacy's wedding. Here, Charles escapes from an elevator and attempts to head home. Meanwhile, Troy arrives at Stacy's house, upsetting Jamal.
When Stacy finds out that Charles watches pornography, she sets out to make adult material with him. Elsewhere, Kita throws her own birthday bash and is encouraged to sign up for a reality show.
Stacy vows to be the perfect housewife. Jamal and Tasha debate whether or not he should get a vasectomy. Meanwhile, Charles' cousin Crystal arrives and becomes a hit on the Web.
Guest stars: Roz Ryan, Kelly Perine
Charles helps Stacy become financially responsible. Tasha lands work with Troy. Crystal dates a former pimp.
Guest star: Chico Benymon
A celebrity client charms Charles and, eventually, Stacy. Meanwhile, Jamal lands work with Troy.
Guest stars: Jasmine Guy, Christian Keyes