Lab Rats, also known as Lab Rats: Bionic Island for the fourth season, is an American television sitcom that premiered on February 27, 2012, on Disney XD. It focuses on the life of teenager Leo Dooley, whose mother, Tasha, marries billionaire genius Donald Davenport. He meets Adam, Bree, and Chase, three bionic superhumans, with whom he develops an immediate friendship.
When Leo and his mom, Tasha, move in with Donald Davenport, Leo's step-father, Leo discovers three bionic superhuman teenagers named Adam, Bree, and Chase living in a secret underground lab in Donald's high-tech home. He takes them to school, where their lack of experience with the outside world causes chaos, prompting Donald to ban them from ever leaving the lab. However, Leo, in appreciation for making him more popular by using their bionics, throws a party for the Lab Rats in Donald's house, only to get caught when Donald and Tasha walk in during the festivities.
After the Lab Rats disobey Donald's orders, Donald decides it's best they are sent to a top secret facility in the arctic. To replace them, Donald creates robot versions of them to hang out with Leo, but the Lab Rats switch places with the robots. However, Tasha decides that she doesn't want Leo to hang out with robots and tells Donald to recycle them, not knowing they were the real kids. Once at the recycling plant, the Lab Rats use their bionics to avoid the various hazards, but must go back when Leo jumps in, hoping to rescue them, before Adam finds the off button. When Donald sees the kids risk their lives for each other, he decides to let them stay, as long as they can control their glitches.
On the Lab Rats' first day at school, all goes awry when Chase is confronted by a football player and his "Commando App" is triggered, transforming him into Spike, a loud-mouthed, insulting bully with an enormous temper. When Spike stands up to Principal Perry, she puts the Lab Rats up against the football team to battle it out for the coveted cafeteria table. While the Lab Rats' bionics and Spike's aggression get them close to winning, Spike reverts to Chase at the last minute. While Chase tries to compute the perfect winning pass, he becomes confused by too many targets, causing them to lose. Meanwhile, Donald tries to work, but is constantly interrupted by Eddy.
When Leo needs help asking a girl to the school dance, Adam and Chase step in to help, but the plan backfires when she falls for Adam instead. The boys decide to settle their differences on the dance floor and they each show off their best moves. Meanwhile, Bree gets to know her crush, Ethan, but he gets to know that Bree is one weird girl.
Guest stars: Angel Parker as Tasha, Garrett Backstrom as Ethan, Ginny Gardner as Danielle