Kissxsis is an anime adaptation of the manga written by Bow Ditama produced by Feel. The series revolves around a boy named Keita Suminoe who finds himself the centre of attention of his twin step-sisters, Ako and Riko. The anime adaptation consists of two series: a twelve-episode anime television series and a twelve-part original video animation series. The first OVA was released on December 22, 2008, with subsequent episodes released with volumes of the manga until April 6, 2015. The anime television series aired on AT-X between April 5, 2010 and June 21, 2010, and was released on DVD from June 23, 2010.
For the television series, the show's theme song is "Balance Kiss" (バランスKISS Baransu Kisu?) by Taketatsu and Tatsumi, while the ending credit music is "Our Steady Boy" by Yui Ogura and Kaori Ishihara. The ending theme for Episode 12 is "Futari" (ふたり?, "The Two of Us") by Ogura and Ishihara. For the OVA series, the show's theme song is "Futari no Honey Boy" (ふたりのハニーボーイ Futari no Hanībōi?, "Our Honey Boy") by Ayana Taketatsu and Yuiko Tatsumi, while the music during the ending credits is "Hoshizora Monogatari" (星空物語?, "Starry Sky Story") by Nana Takahashi.