Kirby Buckets, also known as Kirby Buckets Warped for the third season, is an American adventure television series that premiered on Disney XD on October 20, 2014, and although a live-action series, the series also includes animated cartoon sequences of Kirby's drawings. The series stars Jacob Bertrand, Olivia Stuck, Mekai Curtis, Cade Sutton, and Tiffany Espensen.
Kirby is wrongly accused of defacing school property by Principal Mitchell and teams up with Dawn to find the person who really did it to prove his innocence and keep Kirby from being expelled. However, when Kirby and Dawn come up empty-handed, not only does Kirby lose his cartoonist job to Jean Luc, Dawn loses her gold star as school sheriff. It is revealed that Dawn's date, Carver, had defaced the property and framed Kirby to get revenge on him. Meanwhile, Fish is impressed with Eli's new arm wrestling skill and puts him in multiple matches to prove he is strong.
Gil's mini-mart is closed down for health violations. When Kirby discovers that Gil had also been living there and is now homeless, he allows Gil to move into the Buckets' house. However, Gil reopens the S&P Mart inside the Buckets' house, which inconveniences the family. Eventually, Kirby's father invites his boss to the house for dinner to discuss a job opportunity for Gil. However, the meeting does not end well after Gil accidentally sets the boss's pants on fire. Kirby then devises a way for the mini-mart to reopen. Meanwhile, Dawn intends to perform a song for a school audition. She discovers her singing voice is enhanced when she sings into one of the toilets in her house. Dawn arranges to do her audition through a video message so Principal Mitchell does not realize that she is singing into a toilet. However, when Mitchell and the other school judges realize she is singing in her bathroom, they believe the situation is odd and request her to audition in person at the school. Mitchell and the other judges close their eyes as requested by Dawn when she begins performing her song on stage. However, they open their eyes during the performance and disqualify her, but they choose to have her toilet used by a professional singer after seeing how well it worked for her. Dawn is upset that her toilet has been chosen over her, and destroys it by throwing it off the stage.