This is a list of Hijri years (Latin: anno Hegirae or AH) with the corresponding Julian date where applicable. For Hijri years since 1298 (AD 1880/1881) the Gregorian date of 1 Muharram, the first day of the year in the Islamic calendar, is given.
The first Hijri year (AH 1) was retrospectively considered to have begun on the Julian date 15 July 622 (known as the ‘astronomical’ or ‘Thursday’ epoch, Julian day 1,948,439) or 16 July 622 (the ‘civil’ or ‘Friday’ epoch, Julian day 1,948,440), denoted as "1 Muharram, AH 1". Years prior to this are reckoned in English as BH ("Before the Hijra").
In principle, each Islamic month begins with sighting of the new crescent moon (after a New Moon) at sunset. Because of this, the calendar is dependent on observational conditions and cannot be predicted or reconstructed with certainty, but tabular calendars are in use which determine the dates algorithmically. Because of this, dates may vary by up to two days between traditions or countries.
AH 1 (15/16 Jul 622 – 3/4 Jul 623), AH 10 (631/632), AH 20 (640/641), AH 30 (650/651), AH 40 (660/661), AH 50 (670/671), AH 60 (679/680), AH 70 (689/690), AH 80 (699/700), AH 90 (708/709), AH 100 (718/719), AH 110 (728/729), AH 120 (737/738), AH 130 (747/748); AH 140 (757/758);
AH 150 (767/768), AH 200 (815/816), AH 250 (864/865), AH 300 (912/913), AH 350 (961/962), AH 400 (1009/1010), AH 450 (1058/1059), AH 500 (1106/1107), AH 550 (1155/1156), AH 600 (1203/1204), AH 650 (1252/1253);
AH 700 (1300/1301), AH 750 (1349/1350); AH 800 (1397/1398), AH 850 (1446/1447), AH 900 (1494/1495);
AH 950 (1543/1544), AH 960 (1552/1553), AH 970 (1562/1563), AH 980 (1572/1573), AH 990 (1582/1583): introduction of the Gregorian calendar, AH 1000 (1591/1592), AH 1010 (1601/1602), AH 1020 (1611/1612), AH 1030 (1620/1621), AH 1040 (1630/1631), AH 1050 (1640/1641), AH 1060 (1649/1650), AH 1070 (1659/1660), AH 1080 (1669/1670), AH 1090 (1679/1680), AH 1100 (1688/1689), AH 1110 (1698/1699), AH 1120 (1708/1709), AH 1130 (1717/1718), AH 1140 (1727/1728), AH 1150 (1737/1738), AH 1160 (1746/1747), AH 1170 (1756/1757), AH 1180 (1766/1767), AH 1190 (1776/1777), AH 1200 (1785/1786), AH 1210 (1795/1796), AH 1220 (1805/1806), AH 1230 (1814/1815), AH 1240 (1824/1825), AH 1250 (1834/1835), AH 1260 (1844/1845), AH 1270 (3/4 Oct 1853– 23/24 Sep 1854).