Is This a Zombie? is an anime series adapted from the light novels of the same title written by Shinichi Kimura and illustrated by Kobuichi and Muririn. The series follows the adventures of Ayumu Aikawa, a zombie who is resurrected by a necromancer named Eucliwood Hellscythe after being killed by a serial killer. As he tries to make the best of his undead life, he encounters a Masō-Shōjo named Haruna and inadvertently takes her magic powers, being forced to become a Masō-Shōjo in the process. With Eucliwood, Haruna, and a vampire ninja named Seraphim living with him, Ayumu helps battle demons known as Megalos while trying to figure out the mystery behind his own death.
Produced by Studio Deen and directed by Takaomi Kanasaki, the series was broadcast on TV Saitama, Chiba TV, and Sun Television from January 10 to April 4, 2011, with later broadcasts on Gifu Broadcasting System, Inc., Kyoto Broadcasting System, Mie TV, Tokyo Metropolitan Television, TV Kanagawa, TVQ Kyushu Broadcasting, Nico Nico Channel, and AT-X. The last three episodes were pushed back a week due to the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. The series was also simulcast by Crunchyroll on their streaming site. An OVA 13th episode was released on DVD with the eighth light novel on June 10, 2011. Six DVD and Blu-ray volumes were released by Kadokawa Pictures between March 25 and August 26, 2011. The anime is licensed in North America by Funimation, who released the series in 2012.