Hyperdimension Neptunia: The Animation is a 2013 Japanese anime television series based on the Hyperdimension Neptunia video game series although featuring a storyline independent of the games themselves. In the world of Gamindustri, beings known as Goddesses rule over the four countries: Planeptune, Lastation, Lowee and Leanbox. After having fought over Share energy for many years, the Goddesses signed a treaty which forbids each from taking Share energy from the other using forceful means.
The anime adaptation is produced by David Production of Japan and directed by Masahiro Mukai. Series composition and script writing are done by Shogo Yasukawa, with a musical score composed by Hiroaki Tsutsumi, Kenji Kaneko and Masaru Yokoyama. Character designs are done by Hitomi Takechi, based on the original designs by Tsunako along with art direction by Masanobu Nomura and sound direction by Jin Aketagawa. A manga series illustrated by Mikage Baku which complements the television animation, titled Hyperdimension Neptune: The Animation - Hello New World, began serialisation within the June 2013 issue of Dengeki Maoh. A spin-off novel of the anime, titled Hyperdimension Neptune TGS Hono no Futsukakan, was published by MF Bunko J and released 25 May 2013.
The twelve episode series premiered on Tokyo MX on July 12, 2013 and were later aired on BS11, KBS, Sun TV and tvk. The series was acquired by Funimation for online streaming in North America with English subtitles.
The opening theme is "Dimension tripper!!!" by Nao and the ending theme is "Neptune☆Sagashite" (ネプテューヌ☆サガして?) by Afilia Saga. "Go→Love&Peace" by Ayane is used as the ending theme of episodes 3 and 4, in addition to "Ito" (糸?) by Afilia Saga on episode 10. Insert songs include "Hard beat x Break beat" by Nao during episode 12, and "Kirihirake! Gracie ☆ Star" (きりひらけ! グレイシー☆スター?) by Nao for episode 3. The OVA episode contains the insert song Kami Jigen! Fortune Material (神次元!ふぉーちゅん・まてりある?) by nao of 5pb., which is also the opening song to the Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory game.