Heroman is an anime television series produced by Stan Lee alongside Bones, POW! Entertainment and Wowmax Media that aired on TV Tokyo and related stations between April 1, 2010 and September 23, 2010, as well as streaming on the Crunchyroll internet service.
For the first 12 episodes, the opening theme was "Roulette" performed by Tetsuya, of L'Arc-en-Ciel and the ending theme was "CALLING" performed by Flow. Beginning with episode 13, the opening theme changed to "missing" performed by Kylee and the ending theme changed to "Boku no Te wa Kimi no Tame ni" (僕の手は君の為に?, "My Hands For You") performed by Mass Alert. In addition to these songs, an insert song titled "Niji no Fumoto" (虹のふもと?, "At the Edge of the Rainbow") performed by Aco was featured in episode 11.
Bonus shorts were included on certain DVD releases.