This is a list of fictional characters from Happy Tree Friends. There are 27 main characters, and some other supporting characters.
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the series in 2010, the creators of the show announced that there would be one more character added to Happy Tree Friends in the near future. The candidates were a sheep/lamb named Lammy and a pig named Truffles. The voting took place during the month of March 2010, and the winner was Lammy, who have featured in most of the latest episodes. Even though Truffles lost the vote, he still cameos in some episodes.
Lumpy is a light blue moose with bad teeth (though they are clearly white) and mismatched Antlers. He is sometimes portrayed as the main protagonist because of his man episodes. He usually means well and is nearly always kind and friendly, but he is clumsy and debatably stupid. He might have few intelligence as found in other episodes. Furthermore, he screams like a girl. His usual catchphrase is "Mmm-hmm!" when he thinks he has solved a problem or when he is satisfied.
Although Lumpy is normally portrayed as a good character, he can be portrayed as evil at times. While he generally never kills anyone by design, he is portrayed evil for the first time in Dunce Upon a Time. However, the first episode he killed another character intentionally was Happy Trails Pt. 2: Jumping the Shark. A famous example of Lumpy's antagonistic side is in We're Scrooged!, where he is shown to be quite greedy, cruel, and do some wrongdoings, such as stealing a coin from The Mole and intentionally killing Toothy to sell his body parts. This is one of the few times when Lumpy has deliberately done wrongful actions for his own gain, as in most cases, they are done because of his stupidity. One of the other notable cases is in Every Litter Bit Hurts, where he is seen dumping garbage into a lake, among doing other harmful acts towards the environment.
Lumpy has a unique design compared to most characters, as he is the only character with a standard nose and two nostrils (all of the smaller Happy Tree Friends, with the exception of Sniffles, Mr. Pickels and Truffles, have heart-shaped noses). He is one of two characters (along with Handy) whose hands do not turn mitten-esque. He is also one of the characters without Pac-Man-shaped pupils (along with The Mole, Lifty & Shifty (in later episodes), Nutty, Fliqpy, and Cro-Marmot). Lumpy has appeared in the most episodes out of all the Tree Friends, and most fans consider him the odd one out due to his height and lack of a normal Happy Tree Friend-style face. There have been arguments about his appearance being too close to Bullwinkle J. Moose and Montgomery Moose, the leader of The Get-Along Gang, so his right antler was drawn upside down.