The episodes of Hanasakeru Seishōnen are produced by Studio Pierrot. The series premiered on April 5, 2009 on the NHK, and ended in 2010. It has a total of 39 episodes. The series was directed by Chiaki Kon until episode 20, but changed afterward to Hajime Kamegaki for unknown reasons. Two pieces of theme music are used, one opening theme and one ending theme. The opening theme, "Change", and the ending theme, "One", are both performed by J-Min.
This episodes starts out with a letter addressed to Kajika's Japanese school friend Yui. While Yui is being flown to New York, Eugene is away in Austria as it is the anniversary of his mother's death. Yui meets Rumaty and automatically thinks of him as having the appearance of a prince. Due to the dangerous nature of his identity he is introduced as Rumanty Ivan a visiting friend from Singapore. While in Singapore Lee-leng meets with Carl, where he reveals who the Rosenthal group intends to support. He explains that the plan is to force both Rumaty and Somand into a confrontation in which the hope is that they would both destroy each other. Carl and his father are opposed, Carl can not support the idea of determining one nation's future on the basis of one company's profit. What is even worse is the fact that his father has based this decision on his emotions and grudges. Carl admits to Lee-leng that when he thinks of Kajika he can imagine there being no quarrel between Rosenthal and Burnsworth. Carl tells Lee-leng of how Harry Burnsworth came to him almost a year ago and said "If you want her, you can have her. It all depends on Kajika".
This episode starts off by Kajika putting forth the idea to cut Eugene's hair!
A total of 13 DVD releases are set to be published by Studio Pierrot, each containing three episodes. The first was released in July 2009 and the last will be released in July 2010.