The anime Guilty Crown revolves around Shu Ouma, a high school boy who inadvertently obtains an ability called "Power of the King" that enables him to draw out items called "Voids" from other people. He is then thrown into the conflict between a quasi-governmental organization known as the GHQ and a resistance group called Funeral Parlor which aims to restore Japan's independence from the GHQ. In the process, Shu has to deal with the burden his ability puts on his shoulders and the horrific mystery of his past.
Shu Ouma (桜満 集 Ōma Shū) is the 17-year-old protagonist of Guilty Crown. A socially inept person, Shu is a second year high school student and a member of the school's modern image and video research club. His stepmother, Haruka, works for Sephirah Genomics, while his father, Kurosu, an expert on the Apocalypse Virus, is killed during the "Lost Christmas" incident. Shu's involvement in the series begins when he meets Inori Yuzuriha. After Inori is apprehended by the GHQ Anti-Bodies, Shu decides to make amends for not helping her earlier by delivering an item called "Void Genome" she was transporting to the leader of Funeral Parlor, Gai Tsutsugami. However upon arrival, a battle between the GHQ and Funeral Parlor has begun, forcing Shu to escape while protecting the Void Genome. It is then when he rescues Inori and protects her from a GHQ Endlave that the "Void Genome" fuses onto his right arm, granting him the "Power of the King", which allows him to extract items from a person's heart. After that incident, Gai offers Shu to join Funeral Parlor, but Shu turns down the offer, refusing to join the organization until his classmate, Yahiro Samukawa, sells him out to the GHQ.
Despite joining them, Shu stays with Funeral Parlor due to Inori, who he has feelings for, but he resents Gai, who he at first believe was Inori's lover, due to the fact Gai used his feelings for Inori to make him join Funeral Parlor and Gai is everything that he is not; smart, popular and well respected. But upon seeing the real Gai; a man conflicted to play a ruthless tactical genius and leader, earning Shu's respect for Gai and Funeral Parlor. After getting his name clear from the GHQ, Shu returns to school with a more open, sociable attitude much to his friends' notice. At the same time, Inori begins living with him and their feelings for each other grow as he starts getting flashback of forgotten memories. While still attending school, he continues helping Funeral Parlor in their missions. But his new attitude doesn't last long after Shu fails to save Yahiro's brother Jun as he was forced to kill him to save Yahiro's life. Traumatized on what he has done, Shu refuses to join Gai in an important mission to retrieve the meteorite where the Apocalypse Virus originated before it is transported out of Japan.