Girl Meets World is an American coming of age television sitcom created by Michael Jacobs and April Kelly that premiered on Disney Channel on June 27, 2014, and ended on January 20, 2017. The series is a sequel to Boy Meets World, which aired on ABC from 1993 to 2000 and followed the fictitious upbringing of Cory Matthews and his relationship with Topanga Lawrence. Savage and Fishel reprise their roles in the sequel, now living in New York City as parents of middle schooler Riley Matthews. The series centers around the life of Riley and her friends and family, particularly their school life, in which Cory is their history teacher. Riley shares a strong relationship with her best friend Maya Hart, who assists her in learning to cope with the social and personal issues of adolescence. Several of the Boy Meets World cast have made appearances in the show, also reprising their roles from the original show. Jacobs serves as the executive producer of the series.
Riley Matthews (Rowan Blanchard) is the daughter of Cory and Topanga Matthews, and has a younger brother named Auggie.
At the start of the series, Riley is 12 years old and in seventh grade. She and her best friend, Maya Hart, explore school and life together while making new friends along the way. She and Maya are in middle school for the first two seasons and then high school beginning in the third season. Riley is very much like her father, having similar personality and character traits, but in the season two episode "Girl Meets Cory and Topanga" she finds out how goofy both her parents were in their childhood and now realizes that she is like both of them.
In the pilot episode, Riley develops a crush on Lucas Friar, whom she met on the subway on the way to school; he later becomes her classmate in Cory's history class; they go out for the first time in "Girl Meets First Date". During season two Riley and Maya discover that they both like Lucas and he also likes the two of them, but Riley is Lucas' choice in season three's two-part episode "Girl meets Ski Lodge".