The episodes from the anime TV series Gintama° are based on the Gin Tama manga by Hideaki Sorachi. The series premiered in TV Tokyo on April 8, 2015. It is a sequel to the Gintama anime series which has been on hiatus since 2013. The studio making the new season is BN Pictures, a new subsidiary of Bandai Namco Entertainment. Chizuru Miyawaki is directing the new season with previous season's director Yoichi Fujita supervising. The series continues the story of eccentric samurai, Gintoki Sakata, his apprentice, Shinpachi Shimura, and a teenage alien girl named Kagura and their work as freelancers, who do odd jobs in order to pay the rent, which usually goes unpaid anyway.
The first opening theme is "DAYxDAY" by BLUE ENCOUNT and the first ending theme is "DESTINY", performed by Negoto. The second opening theme is "Pride Kakumei" by CHiCO with HoneyWorks and the second ending them is "Saigo Made Ii" by Aqua Timez. The third opening is "Beautiful Days" by OKAMOTO's and the third ending is "Glorious Days" by THREE LIGHTS DOWN KINGS. The fourth opening theme is "KNOW KNOW KNOW" by DOES and the fourth ending theme is "Acchi Muite" by Swimy.
Displeased with Tsukuyo's way of tutoring, Seita asks Gintoki to help him out with his studies instead. Gintoki is then forced to teach Seita history, but it goes off course; Gintoki's excuse being that Seita must first be interested in History to learn it properly.
Due to his strict parents, Shinpachi is asked out by Takachin to hold on to his ecchi manga until it is safe. Now it becomes Shinpachi's problem to hide them from his sister. The young man asks the porn-mag-hiding veteran Sakata Gintoki for assistance.
Sa-chan secretly hides away behind a newly installed one-way mirror in the Odd Jobs' washroom/kitchen in an effort to see everything there is to see about Gintoki, but she soon slowly begins to regret it as she peeks at Gintoki and Company's secrets.
Tired of the other Shinsengumi members talking badly about his duties as an inspector, Yamazaki decides to try obtaining a ninja license to become an official ninja to impress his comrades, after seeing Zenzou with one.
Gintoki, Kagura and Shinpachi attempt to make an advertisement for the Yorozuya.